Tuesday, July 29, 2008


ok. time to revive it again... i am 23 liaoz... 23 liaoz... old liaoz old liaoz... zzz... T_T... and what have i accomplished? that is the new question i am going to ask form now on everyday on my life.

Moving on..... time for year 3 le.... moving on to harder modules... and taking jap 2 .... gonna take JLPT end of this year.. haaa.... next sem i planning to join muay thai and cue sports... yay... hope next sem will be super fun...

Rovers stint as a comm member is finally up. Dunno what to say about it... kinda regretable but there are learning experiences also... working with incompatible people, and dealing with different kinds of people.. i guess i learnt them all... its just time to move on....

YAY YAY.... Dear God give me a great academic year... =)

THE EVOLUTION OF OPTIMUS PRIME! my og group for rovers orientation! i am 4th from right.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


As topic and i am still so way off studying mood or whatever. Update. Joined rovers as member for now. Running for post of publicity assistant though.. (haha did my research and found out its the slackest post. but hey a great improvement for me k... the great big slacker.) But results are not cfmed until after some interviews and a trek to Jerangkang Waterfalls, Kuantan (Pahang) (f up. i paste the whole thing from the email man... where the hell is the place? )

OK picture time! blogs look better with pictures. and i am lazy too.... lets see whats in my phone..

lol.. from black sheep the movie.... sheep killing pple.. like totally rocks man! BLeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhz.

Scaring sis with a long expired curry puff which was squashed in a ktv outing of frantic singing.

Li xiang and angeline.... acting girly during a girly song. worthy to note: angeline cant get high on ktv. she needs drugs.

My tutee...

My super cute niece!

Me looking super retarded in the lab coat i just bought.... i dun wanna be a lab tech please!


that was easy. blogging should be like this....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Moving on? Perhaps....

Think its time to start things moving... no more lamenting... though i kinda feeling empty and stuff....

went for a haircut at reds@bugis... my first time.. and coincidentally i got my sister's hairstylist! though i didn't know.. cause i tot it was some "tim". First experience was nice man... got massage one which seems kinda weird at first and the lady keep asking me if i feel uncomfortable cause i think i keep making weird faces.. haha... Was quite sianz when i went it and told ben (the hairstylist) to do whatever he like. Got a new look though i didn't realli like it.

So the term has started. Still with my grp at school.. seems like no matter how low profile i am at nus.. which is a fact, there will be pple i know to pei me go lect. Though many hi-bye friends, at least felt better. This sems kinda xiong.. with 4 killer modules.. ORGANIC CHEM.... biochemistry... SIGNALS and fluid mechanics... with how much activites i wanted to be joining i better watch out.

Joing odac and waiting for their welcome tea....waiting for cac audition... yday went for some archery course with joan but it rained and we decided to ditch it. my pool sucks.... no matter how good i am with theory.. my aiming sucks.. =(

and i didn't go canoe camp cause nobody wanna go which suxs. So i am told to go to some charity dinner with my auntie cause she pao the whole table and needed to find pple to go.

Chao keng road at katong... was surprised never see it during cchsm days.... =X

Saturday, August 4, 2007

damn sad.

damn sad.... hope i will recover. Just lost someone dear. Phonecall from her in the morning leading me to be down the whole day. Slept in and out after my grandmother birthday celebration. damn depressed.

When you love someone... its very difficult to put it down no matter what. No matter what happens. and if its never meant to be sometimes nobody knows if its the right decision.

Thanks for being there for so long. and for everything. I will never forget you.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

This is what you do what you are bored and its 2 am....

haha... i googled myself xinhan +blogspot and click on almost every link that has a correspondent with my name. Went out with benjamin wee to buy shorts and eat supper and was too awake even now at 2 am. Was fun.. the googling... found out my friends who posted about me secretly or not....and those links i lost. But sadly, i couldn't find another xinhan's blog. I would want to know all xinhans out there... be it guy or girl.. haha... i know there is a xinhan in taiwan hosting the chinese mtv... but he is irritating. lol..

Anyway.. on searching my english name simhan, i realised a lot of indians love this name. There is this indian called Rajah simhan who is very popular and widely spoken of in the net. I have no idea why as i cant read tamil. you may try.... haha.. Simhan and there is another xinhan who is earning millions as an engineer in the US. Inspiring.

So to whom is reading this blog.... please introduce me ure xinhans.....=)

gonna post pictures next time.

Failed my 2nd tp.

As topic... and very angry about it.. the damn examiner... i got 2 points for circuit and i got 38 points for outside driving! TELL ME IF ITS EVEN POSSIBLE . I am so filled with fury i feel like bashing him up. All along my instructor didn't say shit about my outside driving only on my abrupt lane changing (which isn't that abrupt already but he still penalise)(READ: ABRUPT LANE CHANGING MEANS CUTTING AT A STEEP ANGLE NOT RECKLESS CHECKING.. I STILL CHECK FOR CLEARANCE FIRST.) and i got 38 points?!!! In fact i argued one 8 point causing other vech to wait/perform evasive measures that he said when i coming out of the center the other school car has to slow down for me to exit. RUBBISH! It was signalling to go into the center and had slow down and begin to turn! I am 80 percent sure as when i turn i couldn't see anymore. Anyway that old freak was speechless and gave only a meek reply that it was straight. I can see self-doubt in his eyes. AND YOU KNOW WHAT! he gave me 6 points for insufficient acceleration. It was the points for the 1st gear before you release the clutch. WTH! The car didn't even stall and we were stuck in a jam. Must i rev the engine just so to escape that point. ANd my instructor oso never say its a marking point. dunno who to blame ... BOTH MAYBE! BUT THE ONE THAT MADE ME MOST FURIOUS IS A POINT ON VEERING OFF COURSE. WTF. I AM NOT SUCH AN INCOMPETENT DRIVER TO DO THAT. MAKE ME WASTE SO MUCH MONEY. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.........

and i make it a point to honk at those drivers who are so damn slow on the roads.... esp SCHOOL CARS......


Monday, July 23, 2007


Ok... relief teaching to be more precise. Update. I read finished harry potter 7 though it wasn't in any book form.... go figure..haha... wasn't realli satisfied with the book though although it gives a passable ending of events. I haven got the mybook ... some chic looking storage hdd (hard disc drive la). thats because i am learning to hesitate before buying gadgets nowadays.. afterall i am realli surviving on my own now... no money from parents except house food and accomodation.

Relief teaching was horrible. Thats cause i am in a primary school. Little kids can be devils sometimes esp the p2s..... p1s still ok ... a bit gong gong cause haven figure out how to annoy teachers... p2s are when they learned all their tricks from their one year exp and p3s are when they start to behave like little smart asses and climb over ure head if ure not careful.

I am a maths and PE teacher. Maths was taught to p3s teaching them those familar problem etc Peter has 5 more oranges than paul. they both have 40 oranges. How many oranges does peter or paul have? Simple har.... they think so too.. and urged me to go through faster. and later keep coming up to me for explanations of harder variations. I cant be realli fierce though i tried hard to.. raising ure voice almost certainly works. Didn't realli enjoy teaching kids man.. keep acting like smart asses some of them.. couldn't recall me being like that last time. headache sia.. but i didn't realli care. as long as i do what was given out to me and make sure they know what they are doing.

I though PE was more fun. Well.. better than classroom a tiny weeny bit cause there is the problem of crowd control. P3s played badminton so had to get rackets and stuff for them and handle problems like "mr yu... i dun want to play with him. he always hit so far...." and a whole groups of boys wanting to challenge me badminton. and i mean all of them on the other side while i hit back at them. Of course, they played simply. hitting back and forth like aiming for the sky. most of them misses.
P1 and P2 were the worst! running here and there without control. Made them do a variant of shuttlerun to make them practice for sports day.

I sound like i am at a loss of how to handle the kids but in reality i did very well... haha... thats cause i am not a particular teacher and take note of what i am susposed to teach them... and they understand... nobody gets injured etc.. noise level acceptable. But this post is the horrendous afterthoughts of what could have happened.

day 2....